Well the site is 95% complete, we hope to bring you an updated pest library as well as a few more features. One feature we hope to bring to soon is ID the Pest. We will be accepting emails from you and we will do our best to ID the pest and send you some info on the insect. Check out : www.candepest.com
Left untreated, bed bugs can spread quickly in multi-dwelling housing. Both the housing and health codes require that property owners address infestations promptly. The surest strategies to keep bed bugs from spreading are prevention, early detection and rapid treatment. As a tenant, the first action you should take if you believe that you have bed bugs is to notify your landlord. As a landlord, the first action you should take is to conduct an inspection of the reported condition. Knowing what to look for is key! The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s (DOHMH) Bed Bug Website at http://nyc.gov/bedbugs provides detailed information for tenants, property owners/agents and homeowners on how bed bugs thrive, how to recognize and inspect for their presence, steps to take to prevent them from infesting a home, how to safely rid an area of bed bugs if they do occur, and how to select and work with a pest management professional. You can also go to the...
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